Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Online Forum
Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Online Forum
December 10-11 / Online Event
The market for highly potent active pharmaceutical ingredients (HPAPIs) has shown significant growth in recent years and as demand for HPAPIs keeps rising, so does the need for expanded manufacturing capabilities and appropriate safety procedures and equipment to protect personnel and sites from the challenges highly potent compounds could bring.
The Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients ONLINE Forum, organized by Amistat Group, gives a unique opportunity for learning and expanding your network, enabled by presentations providing the attendees with valuable insights from specialists in the field of HPAPIs.
During the second day, on December 11, our expert colleague Enrico Bettetini (biography here) will give a speech regarding “Development strategy of HPAPIs for drug launch success”
He will explain how to comply with the regulatory requests and beyond, presenting which are key strategy tools of Quality by Design and their proper use and, last but not least, he will mention some tools as software for project and team management, nowdays very important for international teams forced to work on distance due to the current travelling restrictions.
For more details and information regarding the conference, please, visit Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients ONLINE Forum 2020