The Art of Process Chemistry
The Art of Process Chemistry
a unique possibility to learn from real life experiences
Learning by experience is powerful and the possibility to avoid mistakes thanks to other people experience is a way to develop quickly the future. People matters and team work is often a great – if not the best – approach to solve complex issues. Finally we always must remember that we have to help young people to achieve better results.
Oriento SA strongly believes in these ideas and for this reason it is a proud sponsor of the International School of Process Chemistry: http://www.isprochem.unimi.it/
As quoted in the School website: “The main aim of the school is to TRANSFER to the young generation of chemists willing to DEVELOP their scientific career in the Pharmaceutical industry the fundamentals and the art of Process Chemistry in a positive and friendly environment. In addition, ISPROCHEM aims to be a favorable place for young researchers to SHARE different perspectives and experiences, in view of their future academy – industry relationships”.
We like it and we hope that many young chemists will be willing to accept this challenge.